Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Plastic Canvas Items for Sports Enthusiasts


I have created this tablet pouch for my new ASUS Tablet.  Let me tell you just how much I love my new tablet, I have enjoyed it to no end.  It makes being on the computer and facebook a dream.  Seriously, my tablet slides into this pouch easily.  I was so scared that I would scratch my tablet, that I had nightmares about it.  So the pouch is finished, and I am happy to say that my tablet goes where I go.  If you like my tablet pouch and would like to have one for your tablet, please go to my facebook page and let me know.
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Host of Christmas Past

Recently I showed my crafts and jewelry at the "Host of Christmas Past" Craft show in Fayetteville, TN.  My Christmas Spiders were a hit!  I was able to sell quite a few.  But, I still have some more to share.

If you are interested in taking a look at what remains in the web of spiders, please go to my facebook page by clicking here.  The spiders are $10.00 each and you can easily contact me from my facebook or through this blog.

The show was a great success, it was the biggest show we have had yet, there were approximately 140 to 145 vendors there.  Every one had a great time and there was a huge crowd of customers at all times.

I hope that the show next year is even more successful.
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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Christmas Spiders

These spiders are very beautiful, created out of many different colors of beads.  Some are created for special occasions such as Breast Cancer Awareness, some for special sports teams and even others to commerate special holidays.  Some are made especially with colors for boys and some for girls.

These spiders can be displayed anytime of the year, not necessarily just for Halloween or Christmas.  For instance pastel spiders can be displayed at Easter, bright, vivid red can be given at Valentines Day.

Folklore lovers will know and appreciate the story of the Christmas Spider.

In December, a mother was busily cleaning the house for Christmas.  She swept every corner of every room completely clean, for she wanted every thing bright and shiny in time for Christmas Day.

The spiders fled upstairs to the attic to escape the broom, for they knew she was far too busy to follow them up there.

On Christmas Eve, as soon as the house became quiet, the spiders showly crept down for a peek.  They scuttled in the living room and oh what a sight they saw!

A beautiful Christmas Tree!  In the excitement they scurried up the trunk and out along each branch.  They were filled with happiness as they clmbed among its glittering beauty.

Alas, by the time they finished climbing,  the tree was completely covered with dusty gray spider webs.

Midnight came,  and Santa Claus came with gifts for the children.  When he saw the tree, he smiled to see how happy the spiders were, but he knew how heart broken the mother would be if she saw the tree covered with dusty webs.  So he turned the gray spider webs to silver and gold.

The Christmas tree sparkled and shimmered and was even more beautiful than before.  That is why we have tinsel on Christmas trees.  Every tree should always have a Christmas spider in it's branches.

I love making these spiders, for they are a joy to make.  To see even more of these beautiful spiders visit me on facebook.  You can even order a spider for your very own.

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